Taiwan Group on Earth Observations(TGEO) is a non-governmental organization founded with the academia in August 2010, in response to the sustainable development of the earth against global warming and the anomalous climate, and the projects of earth observations supported by the G8 summit of the United Nation in order to find out the solutions of precaution against natural calamities and reduce the impact of disasters.
TGEO is a non-profit social organization which aims at improving the global environment observation capabilities combined with the knowledge management to reverse the environmental crisis caused by global changes into a turning point of sustainable development for Taiwan, conducting relevant research and knowledge exchange in nine areas: biodiversity and ecosystem sustainability, disaster resilience, energy and mineral resources management, food security and sustainable agriculture, infrastructure & transportation management, public health surveillance, sustainable urban development, water resources management and industry, and elaborating the significant influence to raise the overall well-being in Taiwan.
To avoid the expansion of disasters and the aggravation of environment, TGEO integrates the professionals and cooperates with organizations of Earth Observations to monitor the surroundings of Taiwan. Such work can not only provide references for governmental units to make decision for policy of disaster prevention, but also for residents to make preparations to minimize the damage before disasters occur. Therefore, TGEO will play the role as a private database, offering a communication platform for disaster prevention and climate change.